Butterfly March

Butterfly Gathering Country Captains Needed

Country Captains Needed

In a world full of hatred, inequity, seclusion, and war, all reasons point us to the need to build communities founded on love and which thrive in creativity, giving a chance to everybody. If you care about community building and you envision a world full of love and creativity, we invite you to join our team in spreading the word about The Grand Butterfly Gathering. Happening on June 29, 2024, this event will involve people from all over the world dressing like butterflies, enjoying fun and creativity, and doing a community service activity of their choice or donating to The Trueness Project philanthropic wing. We aim to break the world record of the largest number of people ever gathered dressed as butterflies and show the world that when we come together in one voice, we are capable of achieving whatever we set our minds to.

As a Country Captain

  1. You will identify people from diverse groups, organizations, governmental and non-governmental entities, hospitals, social clubs and any other forum who identify with our cause.
  2. You will lobby more people from the above and other spaces in your country to be part of the event. 
  3. You will help The Trueness Project by sharing with the public on why they need to join us for the world record-breaking event–Our aim is to continue impacting and building more communities, promoting creativity and unity, and spreading love through helping the less privileged in society. 
  4. During the event, you will identify the best places for them to gather and have fun, and then capture the moments and share the photos with us. 
  5. As part of our team, you will be able to interact and exchange ideas and strategies with other Country Captains from all over the world and also interact with The Trueness Project management team, expanding your network and building your leadership portfolio. 

This role is open to community leaders, creative visionaries, change agents, transformational leaders, community development advocates, influencers, and anyone else willing to make a difference by serving their communities and country at large.

By joining us

You add to our efforts towards inclusion and diversity in efforts to make the world a better place, from the grassroots upwards.

Applications are open

For more information and application details, please email us at 2024butterflymarch@gmail.com.

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+1 307-231-6437

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Our Location

Office Address, Daniel, Wyoming

The Trueness Project is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

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